Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Death by Facebook

Yonks since I last published to my blog, been forever.

So many reasons behind this but most prominent of all has to be facebook. Finding myself forced to cram what I'm feeling, thinking, seeing into a one-liner witty status update I have become accustomed to even thinking that way. Picking out natty phrases from posters I see and books I read to store away for future updates is now second nature.

Now it dawns on me that this is in reality blinkering my creativity, stifling my expression.

So I must relearn the art of posting random thoughts. A non-themed blog that does it's best to replicate the mish-mash of my life experience. Perhaps one day these postings will serve as nifty markers for my memory of these times.

Thus do I announce my attempt to return to the blogosphere, to break the yoke of the one-line status update, to once again liberate my writing!

And oh yes, I realise that the title of this post may draw attention considering the ongoing Secret Service investigation into a speedily withdrawn facebook poll...

Which makes the title of this post a double entendre!