Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Thought I'd stop by...

My serene little corner of the internet.
An entire month gone by and blogged nada.
What a let-down.
Yet I am amused.

The universe is a vast place, a kaleidoscope of myriad occurences loosely wrapped in a space-time continuum.

Oft I am struck by my insignificance in it all.

-Time out. Do you sometimes say or write things that tickle you to the core everytime you revisit them? Happens to me every once in a while.
Some forty-niner on mashada dug up a thread where we'd been asked to type in our random thoughts and have our fortunes told.
It's undoubtedly one of the whackiest funny posts to date and I loved re-reading it.
Then I got to what I posted.
It was too late or too weird to warrant a response but because I understood what I meant I felt rapturous.

"Life as a mote, occasionally illuminated."

I wouldn't mind that as an epitaph at all.
It describes me to a tee.
And I'm not being morbid thinking about epitaphs, ever hear the Robert Louis Stevenson one?

"Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live, and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be.
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill."

So much poetry this man wrote, so deep. And then the books...

-Now where were we?

Ah yes, the universe. Or multiverse if Terry Pratchett is to be believed.
Underverse too if you're a fan of Riddick.

I am wont to looking up into the starry sky of a clear night (here in Africa you can actually make out the 'milk' in the milky way).
My mind spans the aeons, bridges the galaxies, whittles away the light-years.
Stargate. Yup. In my cranium.
And I shrink to nothing, a no-thing on the vast cosmic scale.
Socrates was wise because he embraced his ignorance and sought true wisdom.
He died trying...

So I go with the flow sometimes. I try not to let disappointment ruin me.
Drag me down into depthless despair, to wallow forlornly.
Because for all my grumbling nothing will change one whit.
I try to laugh at myself.

Ah yes, truly my thoughts ramble on intermittently, no firm goal in sight.
Small wonder I got 'The Guns of August' as a book, Sudan as a country and Indiana as a State!
Heh heh, they said if I was a goat, I'd be a Nubian.
Rather fitting as I like to render myself a cornucopia.

Ach! Enough.
What musings remain I'll revisit another day.

I've grown a beard and receive horrible comments about it constantly.
Coz I don't have a mature one see.
The uncharitable among us fondly refer to it as 'bum-fluff'.
Here it stays.
I'll be a Viking, or a Mussulman. A Nazarite Rastafarian.
Brooding, clear eyes glowering out of a bushy mien.

And last to hone my Swahili/Sheng:

Manze zimenikatikia lakini sitishiki.
Wahenga walisema maisha ni mlima, kumbuka kwamba kuteleza, sio kuanguka.
Haya basi nami tajikaza kisabuni, nijitahidi maishani.
Kama ule wimbo
Roho yangu/
Ni kama moto/
Imani yangu/
Yesu naomba/

Nitaaga kwaheri kwa sasa, ijapokuwa yakuonana.